Without Holding Anything Or Doing Anything Or Trying – a poem by Gerry Grubbs

Without Holding Anything
Or Doing Anything Or Trying

Not pushing anything away
So that even happiness
Returns to the place
It previously occupied

Which seems to open
A jar full of joy
Dumping it out
So everything
Has that pliable
Feeling of spring
And the scent of flowers

The feeling expands
Like every green thing
Absorbing the light
Turning it into kindness
An exquisite gem
That the day can’t seem to get
Out of its mind

Even night
When it finally comes
Seems to glow green
Finding a place
For another emerald
In the vast storehouse
Of constellations 

Gerry Grubbs has published poems in Haikuniverse, Poet Lore and other magazines. His recent book, Learning A New Way To Listen, has just been released by Dos Madres Press. 

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