Springtime in Cologne – a poem by Martin Potter

Springtime in Cologne

In florid cloisters: pacing philosophy
Peace rectangular: forged from a labyrinth
Lane-winding city: mushroomed on the slow-flow
Earth-feed river’s: straight breadth
While Great Albert: scenting the breezes
From un-distant country: remembers creatures
Reflects on rocks: finds metaphysics
Treasurer of manuscripts: spurred by cosmic
Feature and colour: gathered to build
Happy recycler: his knowledge cathedral
Gradually rises: like Cologne’s Gothic
He leaves unfinished: crane on the tower
And patient pursuit of: the rounds of prayer

Martin Potter (https://martinpotterpoet.home.blog) is a British-Colombian poet and academic, based in Edinburgh, and his poems have appeared in AcumenThe French Literary ReviewEborakonInk Sweat & TearsThe Poetry Village, and other journals as well as in Black Bough anthologies. His pamphlet In the Particular was published in 2017.

1 Comment

  1. charleshaddox says:

    Wonderful! Albert the scientist, the mystic, philosopher and saint.


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