Beacons – a poem by Michael T. Young


God placed a star inside each stone,
inside each waterfall and leaf.
Not for wishing, but knowing,
and not our knowing but his, knowing
that we would want to reach
down to find it, to discover what
it was we saw once shining there.

But none of those sparks can be
reached and aren’t meant to be.
They’re beacons to beckon us
to wonder at the source, the start
of all things whether stones or stars,
or leaves or waterfalls—all things
which start and end in him who calls.

Michael T. Young’s third full-length collection, The Infinite Doctrine of Water, was longlisted for the Julie Suk Award. His previous collections are The Beautiful Moment of Being Lost and Transcriptions of Daylight. He received a Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. His chapbook, Living in the Counterpoint, received the Jean Pedrick Chapbook Award. His poetry has been featured on Verse Daily and The Writer’s Almanac. It has also appeared in numerous journals including Pinyon, Talking River Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review and Vox Populi.

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