When I have Penned my Final Thoughts – a poem by Shamik Banerejee

When I have Penned My Final Thoughts 

When I
Have penned my final thoughts and left to meet
the sky,
don't organize my table; let the sheet,
the clipboard, and the cartridge pen lie there;
let them assume I've gone to get some air.

Don't switch
the desk lamp off. Its glow will reach me through
the pitch-
black, starry intrados, producing new
beliefs about a parted man's revival,
and say to me, "I'll wait till your arrival."

Should they
enquire about my absence of long years,
please say
to them that I am with The Pioneer
of verse, whose words can spawn a life and grow it;
He's guiding me to be a better poet.

Shamik Banerjee is a poet from India. He resides in Assam with his parents. His poems have appeared in The Society of Classical Poets, Fevers of the Mind, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Westward Quarterly, Dreich, The Hypertexts, among others, and some of his poems are forthcoming in Willow Review and Ekstasis, to name a few.

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