Little Bird-Gods – a poem by Ashley Steineger

Little Bird-Gods

How would we live
if we knew what
the power line birds

       gossip to each other
       when dusk turns her
       vague smile into

a long elegy of night
& the dead (newborns
of weightlessness)

       take shadows for strolls
       through parks & down
       potholed side streets

without hiding from us:
the alive! the ones
really lost (to ourselves

       to each other) no
       matter how many
       times the world

(usually a bird) reminds
us of our inseparability
the delicate circuitry

       that wires each living
       thing to every other
       living thing all of us

breathing beating
loving as one & how
would we live

       if we knew &
       (oh god, little bird)
       how do we live now?

Ashley Steineger is a holistic psychologist who believes poetry is the language of healing. She is the author of The Poetry Therapy Workbook (2023), and her poetry has appeared in The Night Heron Barks, Apricity Press, The Lumiere Review, and Palette Poetry, among others. She is a Pushcart Prize and Best of Net nominee, and currently lives and writes out of Raleigh, NC, where she enjoys forest bathing, collecting tattoos, and untranslatable words.

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