Mr Cassian’s 54th Dream – a poem by Tim Miller

Mr Cassian’s 54th Dream

The sun is the sum of blackness and glass
when it sets to plough its face through the earth
down beyond the water and towards the core.
The sun is the sum of orange and of red
when it rises up from underground
polished and burnished by the ocean’s hiss.
There is an outer and an inner sun
a sun for countryside and for city,
for the melancholy, bare, and broken
for the growing, the green, the sumptuous.
There is a robin ring around the sun
a strawberry and lily and rose ring
a chrysalis ring, a spiraled shell,
an inkhorn and a black bird, a black bird
with a red spot of the sun on its wing.


Tim Miller’s “Mr Cassian” poems are from a collection of poetry and fiction called School of Night. Other pieces from the book have appeared/are forthcoming in Southword, Cutthroat, and Bold+Italic. He is online at


  1. kylelaws says:

    Stunning poem! One I would like to have written.


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